Monday, February 19, 2007

Farewell to the Chaplaincy, would you like to say hello?

Yesterday was the last day of our six Sunday placement at the hospital chaplaincy at the Queen's Medical Centre.

It was tough at times, particularly the cold calling on the wards to talk with people and ask if patients would like to come down to the chapel service. However, there were real high spots of people grateful to come to chapel, people who didn't know there was a service happening but wanted to come when we asked them, people who wanted to talk and tell their stories, people who allowed us to pray with them and for them.

We had to do this as part of our training, and I'm really grateful for it. The real heroes are the people who go and volunteer to bring people from the wards down to the chapel on a regular basis. If your house group or cell is looking for a servant ministry to get involved in, then you could do a lot worse than ringing up the chaplaincy at your local hospital and finding out if you can get involved.



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