Plays, Balls and Weddings
Thought I'd better get round to reporting on our latest activities before we go off for Christmas (starting tomorrow at the parents.) Last week was a mad rush of kids parties and plays, with the Christmas Ball on thursday night. Tabitha was an elephant (of course!!! :os) in her play 'A present for the Baby.' She did a fantastic job and loved every minute.
Nathaniel had his toddler group Christmas party also on the Thursday which was fun, quite nice just to sit and relax where for the past few years I've been rushing round like a headless chicken at such things. (couldn't compare to Chimps though I'm afraid ;o)) My mum came to stay in order to babysit for the ball, which was lovely. The dinner was nice, tho we were all put on tables with lots of people we didn't know, but was good in the end, and the disco was great fun, lots of good cheese in there, all the usual suspects. Particularly enjoyed dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' with Maria, mum of Emily who goes to Tabitha's dancing class - the girls do a dance to this song every week so of course we had to replicate it. Was very funny. Honestly. The chapel looked wonderful and a good night was had by all. The blokeys scrubbed up pretty well in their tuxedos and the ladies looked pretty good too.
Friday was Peaches party and nativity. I was working as all hands were needed. Party was fun, then came getting about 12 toddlers and babies into the nativity clothes. Hmmm, interesting. Quite a few protestors at this point. My son declared that he would not wear his headdress. However with the blackmail technique 'Nana will love it' applied he changed his mind. We had a few reluctant sheep....those hats were no way going on. All mummies and daddies and extra people crowded into peaches and the play was on. It was very cute, as nursery nativities are. Nathaniel spent most of it admiring himself (in said headdress) in the unforunately positioned mirror on the outside of his 'inn' (him being the innkeeper. He said his line, and added another one (hello Nana!) and did very well. The reluctant sh
eep did not wear their sheep hats, but looked very cute nontheless, and the angel gabriel decided that standing still by Mary was far too boring. All in all it went very well. Here's my little innkeeper!
After those busy few days we had an even busier weekend. We popped down to Luton for Richard and Sarah's wedding. We visited a few people first on Saturday - Catherine and Anthony, the Masons and the Lanes and Ann. Was fantastic to see everyone, a lovely surprise as well when we went to Caroline and Johns for lunch and they'd got Allison and David round too - fab to see them. :o) The kids had a wonderful time. The wedding was beautiful, kids completely hyper - Tabitha catching up with Daniel. Very late night - sat down to eat at 7.30 and finished eating at 10 then we joined in the ceilidh til 11 when the kids were about to drop. Stayed at the Brewers in their lovely home and went to St Mary's in the morning. Wonderful to see everyone again, but very very tiring, after lunch the kids were dropping and so we came home. All in all a great week, and my health stood up to it all which I am so grateful for. :o)
Nathaniel had his toddler group Christmas party also on the Thursday which was fun, quite nice just to sit and relax where for the past few years I've been rushing round like a headless chicken at such things. (couldn't compare to Chimps though I'm afraid ;o)) My mum came to stay in order to babysit for the ball, which was lovely. The dinner was nice, tho we were all put on tables with lots of people we didn't know, but was good in the end, and the disco was great fun, lots of good cheese in there, all the usual suspects. Particularly enjoyed dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' with Maria, mum of Emily who goes to Tabitha's dancing class - the girls do a dance to this song every week so of course we had to replicate it. Was very funny. Honestly. The chapel looked wonderful and a good night was had by all. The blokeys scrubbed up pretty well in their tuxedos and the ladies looked pretty good too.
Friday was Peaches party and nativity. I was working as all hands were needed. Party was fun, then came getting about 12 toddlers and babies into the nativity clothes. Hmmm, interesting. Quite a few protestors at this point. My son declared that he would not wear his headdress. However with the blackmail technique 'Nana will love it' applied he changed his mind. We had a few reluctant sheep....those hats were no way going on. All mummies and daddies and extra people crowded into peaches and the play was on. It was very cute, as nursery nativities are. Nathaniel spent most of it admiring himself (in said headdress) in the unforunately positioned mirror on the outside of his 'inn' (him being the innkeeper. He said his line, and added another one (hello Nana!) and did very well. The reluctant sh

After those busy few days we had an even busier weekend. We popped down to Luton for Richard and Sarah's wedding. We visited a few people first on Saturday - Catherine and Anthony, the Masons and the Lanes and Ann. Was fantastic to see everyone, a lovely surprise as well when we went to Caroline and Johns for lunch and they'd got Allison and David round too - fab to see them. :o) The kids had a wonderful time. The wedding was beautiful, kids completely hyper - Tabitha catching up with Daniel. Very late night - sat down to eat at 7.30 and finished eating at 10 then we joined in the ceilidh til 11 when the kids were about to drop. Stayed at the Brewers in their lovely home and went to St Mary's in the morning. Wonderful to see everyone again, but very very tiring, after lunch the kids were dropping and so we came home. All in all a great week, and my health stood up to it all which I am so grateful for. :o)
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