Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Lord is One

Excellent preacher in chapel tonight. He did have a bit of a challenge. The Bible reading was a bit where Jesus is asked what the most important thing in the whole of the Jewish law was. The answer was: God is one, love God with all that you are, and love each other. Not much sermon in that, it's simple: Love God and Love each other. As preachers do, he did find a fair amount to talk about anyway. One thing he said, that struck me, was this:

God is one. That means that God is the God of your work, your home, your family, your pub, everywhere you go and everything you do, God is God there. You can't have one God at church, or with your family and then have a completely different God in other parts of your life. God is one God, and you are to love God with your whole life.

Even the bit where you lose a football match to the local Methodist college 3-1 as we did yesterday :-(

Even the bit where you've finished all the lectures for a module :-) but still have to write 3,000 words to complete the assessed assignment :-(

Perhaps I'd better stop blogging and get on with it.



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