Yesterday was too knackered to post as a morning's work in N's nursery finished me off big time, not used to this working lark! It was great tho - really enjoyed it despite coming home covered in orange paint. The joys of working with small people. They were fab, and I'm hoping to get more work there. I'm having my 'induction' tomorrow, a tad late but should be interesting.
Didn't make it to the pub last night as everyone called off sick/tired/double booked. Never mind, another time.
Went to the spice bible study this morning. It was on Job, so not particularly lighthearted as these things go, but pretty thought provoking. Why does God let these things happen? I don't know, and won't this side of heaven. But he is sovereign, and we will choose to praise him anyway. Easy to say ... lots of stuff came out. Seems like a group who will share lots of stuff and so be more than just a chitty chatty coffee morning. Good, IMHO.
Tonight meeting with a couple of others to organise a family celebration thingy, which should be fun. If I can keep my eyes open that is.
Tim seems to have got half a librarys worth of books to read in reading week, which I am sure he will read in a couple of days, as he is scary at that kind of stuff. We are off to the in laws for the week, so hopefully he'll rest as well as read (and play on computers of course.)
Didn't make it to the pub last night as everyone called off sick/tired/double booked. Never mind, another time.
Went to the spice bible study this morning. It was on Job, so not particularly lighthearted as these things go, but pretty thought provoking. Why does God let these things happen? I don't know, and won't this side of heaven. But he is sovereign, and we will choose to praise him anyway. Easy to say ... lots of stuff came out. Seems like a group who will share lots of stuff and so be more than just a chitty chatty coffee morning. Good, IMHO.
Tonight meeting with a couple of others to organise a family celebration thingy, which should be fun. If I can keep my eyes open that is.
Tim seems to have got half a librarys worth of books to read in reading week, which I am sure he will read in a couple of days, as he is scary at that kind of stuff. We are off to the in laws for the week, so hopefully he'll rest as well as read (and play on computers of course.)
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