Catch up on me
I haven't disappeared, I've just been v busy lately. Tim is having some fun setting up our new PlayStation (he's got this thing called eyetoy which has a little camera thingy and you can play interactive games, at the moment he is being an American footballer, which seems to entail knocking all your opponents out as far as I can see. :o)) So anyway I'm coming to say hello.
Just been to chapel, was great as tonight it was a cafe style service - chapel all changed round as tables and chairs, with coffee, tea and cakes, lots of chatting and a fab talk, really enjoyed it, love experiencing different styles.
On Tuesday night we went to a Light party (alternative halloween as we don't do it) which was good, the dad running it had set up loads of games eg apple bobbing but insisted we all had a go, which was ermmm interesting. We then had an impromptu dance/praise party as this family has a huuuuge house (jealous, moi?) And the kids loved it. Here is Tabitha at said party:-

One of the girls at college is great at face painting and is in high demand for the many parties that go on. Nathaniel still refuses to have his face painted though, conservative little chap that he is, bless.
Loved half term - lovely time at the in laws, and my very dear friend Ulrike from Luton came up on Friday with her four, including baby Peter who I'd never met as he had the cheek to be born on the day I left. ;o) He is gorgeous of course and it was just fantastic to see them all again.
Tim, myself and three others are having fun planning a Great Big God - esque praise party type thing at college for december, the premise being to get families together to worship and have a great time, we're just waiting for it to be approved by the powers that be and then we can go ahead. Hoping for it to be an at least termly thing if it goes down well. we shall see - very exciting stuff. :o)

Just been to chapel, was great as tonight it was a cafe style service - chapel all changed round as tables and chairs, with coffee, tea and cakes, lots of chatting and a fab talk, really enjoyed it, love experiencing different styles.
On Tuesday night we went to a Light party (alternative halloween as we don't do it) which was good, the dad running it had set up loads of games eg apple bobbing but insisted we all had a go, which was ermmm interesting. We then had an impromptu dance/praise party as this family has a huuuuge house (jealous, moi?) And the kids loved it. Here is Tabitha at said party:-

One of the girls at college is great at face painting and is in high demand for the many parties that go on. Nathaniel still refuses to have his face painted though, conservative little chap that he is, bless.
Loved half term - lovely time at the in laws, and my very dear friend Ulrike from Luton came up on Friday with her four, including baby Peter who I'd never met as he had the cheek to be born on the day I left. ;o) He is gorgeous of course and it was just fantastic to see them all again.
Tim, myself and three others are having fun planning a Great Big God - esque praise party type thing at college for december, the premise being to get families together to worship and have a great time, we're just waiting for it to be approved by the powers that be and then we can go ahead. Hoping for it to be an at least termly thing if it goes down well. we shall see - very exciting stuff. :o)

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