Monday, June 23, 2008

And so to Stoke......

This weekend Tim and I and the kids spent our first night in our new house and went to our first service at our new church. Exciting stuff! We were delighted when we arrived to find that the house had been cleaned from top to bottom and that the lawns had been mowed, looked fab. Also to welcome us was a big basket of fruit, bottle of wine, chocolates and cake....sorted :) The house is lovely, kids very happy with their new rooms, as are we :) On Sunday we enjoyed visiting St Mark's and received a wonderful welcome from the congregation there - they had bought us some flowers and a present for the kids. We went to our new vicars house for lunch with the rest of the Hanley team so was good to meet them and enjoy lunch together. All in all a very positive weekend. I felt all wrong coming back to Nottingham and leaving Tim there, just kind of want to get on with it now - but Tabs will love finishing off her school term here, and starting new in September at her Stoke school. Feels somewhat strange though with most college peeps having moved on last week - slightly feel I shouldn't be here.
Looking forward to going up again Weds night and going to the new school on Thursday morning where T and N will spend some time with their new classes. Then back here Friday for school, brownies and dancing, back to Stoke Sat then going to a friend's ordination on Sun - busy busy. Hmmm, can I harness some of that energy the kids seem to have in surplus??

Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Bash

I realised that I had not got around to posting some photos of our little trip out to the "Beach Party" that was the St John's Summer Bash:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No Longer a Student

Here I am, footloose and fancy free. The last essay went in on Wednesday. The last lecture was Friday morning. Yesterday was Commissioning Service. I now have a week off to sort stuff out before our first Sunday at St Mark's next week.

I seem to have lost my voice a bit, not physically, but metaphorically. For somebody who usually has something to say, I have been lost for words over the last couple of days. I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write about how I feel and think about endings and beginnings, but there's nothing there.

Not that I feel numb, just that I don't have the words at the moment. Ho hum, I'm sure that it will pass.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Tabitha and Dad go Camping

Over half term Tabitha and I went on a bit of a camping trip to Edale. Here is a map showing the walks we did over the three days. Photos to follow.

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