Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rites of Passage

Last Thursday night, Tabitha was admitted to communion at college. Having been through a short course exploring communion and what it means, she is now allowed to take take the bread and wine at communion services. As I side bar, personally I reckon that if we, as a church, are willing to welcome children into God's family through Baptism then we ought to welcome them to the family meal at communion from day one, but the Church of England has a different mind.

On Wednesday night, Nathaniel finished his first football course, and received his first football trophy. As I've blogged previously, this whole experience has been a term long rite of passage for both Nathaniel and me. Looking forward to next term now.

Last night, Tabitha skipped round the circle, recounted the appropriate motto and law, and made her promise. She is now, officially, a Brownie. Note to self, it probably will not go down well to continually remind her of her promise to be helpful when she's complaining about tidying her room :-)