Monday, November 26, 2007

The suspense is killing us...

I'm aware that the blogging frequency has dropped off a bit recently. Despite this we still seem to have a fair few people checking in to see what's happening with us. So, to the faithful, thanks for sticking with us and sorry for being a bit slow at updating you recently.

The major reason for this is not that nothing is happening, but that we can't share the exciting stuff in public. We have been going through the process of looking for a curacy, my first post out of college. We are 99% sure that we know where we will be moving next summer, but until the Bishop confirms it and the church family there has been told, we can't talk about it widely. Suffice to say that we are very positive about the opportunity, are excited about the way God has been working in the area and we are itching to join in.

But, we are here for another 8 months, still have loads to learn and experience and don't want to lose those things by letting our focus shift too early. Having said that, I'm off to see the Bishop in question on Friday morning, so come the weekend I'll be packing :-)


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