Friday, April 06, 2007

My new hobby!

I've always loved mucking about with photo imaging programs, have played with free trials of photoshop, paint shop pro etc. We have recently installed the Gimp
which is a free download but has pretty well all the features you can find on these other (much more expensive) programmes. It is a little more of a learning curve but fun nonetheless. I have been playing with it for a while but recently been getting into Digital Scrapbooking, which is much like paper scrapbooking but involving no glue and scissors and countless bits and bobs - you can download all these bits onto a file then play! I've definitely been bitten by the bug and spending far too much time on it, lol.
Here's a link to my first few goes.


Blogger D said...

Wow Liz. They're really good. I also love your montages. You're looking incredibly gorgeous.
Miss you lots. A

7:38 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Fantastic, that's just the kind of scrapbooking I was thinking of, only a hundred times better than I could have imagined - how beautiful! You make it look really easy (but I'm sure it's your creativity). Will have to have a go, thanks for posting that x

5:28 pm  

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