Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Lurgy

Last week Tabitha had the lurgy, and most of the week off school, but it abated for us to be able to get away for the weekend. The kids to Uncle Jez and Aunty Clair's and me and Liz to a hotel for a anniversary weekend away (10 years, can you believe it). Liz might blog about it, but we didn't get any decent photos of the place because it rained all weekend.

Anyway, now Liz has Tabitha's lurgy - horrible sore throat and achy/shivers and Nathaniel has an infection in both eyes. It's a real blessing that Liz's mum is staying with us, otherwise the first week of prison chaplaincy shadowing for me would not have been able to happen. Anyway I now have one dodgy eye and a itchy throat - it's not looking good for the weekend.

Really need to be well for New Wine in a fortnight, please God.



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